Monday, February 28, 2011

FEB'11 launch


I am more interested in SENGKANG FERNVALE GARDENS

(Inclusive of Internal Floor Area 90 sqm and Air-Con Ledge)

We will be registering for this.
Our First time, Wish US luck!

Monday, February 7, 2011

our guess for Potential Sengkang sites

Dear and I went on an excursion to Sengkang to look at potential sites for BTO development :D and we have marked out a few. Hopefully the lands that I've marked are slated for BTO and hope we can get a good queue number too~

We drove from East side to Sengkang through KPE, TPE, took around 20min. We drove around Sengkang neighbourhood too to look at the surroundings. Quite pleased with what we have seen. Not too far from town if we take NEL line and not many industrial factories around.

Only problem will be, it's really far from my parent's house. But, dear said that should not be part of the consideration, we should find a place that is near town and quiet(for both of us likes peaceful environment)and also affordable. So far, Sengkang flats cost around 250-350k for 4Rm.

So let's hope for the best!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

First look- VISTA@Yishun

This BTO in Yishun came out on 25 Jan and interested parties can apply till 7 Feb.

First thought that came to my mind-out of place as I stay in the West and he, the East.
Going North seems to be inconvenient for both of us. We sat down and we considered a few things.


the units are relatively cheaper than puggol and sengkang units.
It fits our budget well for a 4Room flat.
We had decided we will settle for a 4Room if around 300-350K, anything bigger is a redundant to us.


situated at the juncton of YISHUN STREET 41 and YISHUN AVE 1
Google street view, the empty plot of land will be for VISTA

what puts us off the most, it's near to SELETAR AIRBASE

AND its very inaccessible, even by bus. We checked the bus directory and there's only one feeder bus (804) to Yishun Interchange and the there's a school right before that plot.
There's not many facilities around eg markets or food centre..

FUTURE MRT lines for reference taken off from the web, might not be accurate. Serve as a gauge.

SO... if we both decided to work in the central area, its quite troublesome, even more troublesome to go back HIS place in the east.

Conclusion: we decided to skip this BTO and wait for the next

Our thoughts

We started looking out for flats this January, as both of us just graduated from University.
We wanted to take things step by step so we have been postponing "house hunting" until we are sure we are ready and able to support one.

On top of that, we have been dating for more than 7yrs *laughs*, finally can proceed to our next stage in life.

Before we can even embark on marriage, the house is one main issue to consider first. BTO needs 2.5yrs to build, so we decided we can look out for a unit while in the meantime plan for "that big committement".

We did not want to stress ourselves out, so studies, job than marriage + house. Hopefully things go smoothly~


is needed before you take a HOUSING LOAN from HDB
which loans you up to 90% of the total cost of the booked unit.

Financing + AHG

so to maximise the grant, we need to have combined income <$5000 to to get AHG
which is required ONCE before the booking of flat.

The first steps

An Overview

All are taken from

Welcome notes

Hi all, welcome to my housing blog whereby we chart our progress of finding that dream home of ours in Sunny Singapore.

With all the news about rising housing prices and also the sheer vast number of people balloting and queueing for houses, finding the dream house is a nerve-breaking and also ardous task. It also boils down to your luck, in getting that lucky queue number.

Due to the various complications in buying one, I decided to chart down our progress and also useful tips that I can find online to share with everyone. If I am wrong, please feel free to correct me.

For now, we are concentrating on BTO, BUILD TO ORDER by HDB.